Here's a little about the book ...
Philadelphia, 1842: Poe's cat, Cattarina, becomes embroiled in a killer's affairs when she finds a clue to the crime: a glass eye. It's only when her beloved "Eddie" takes an interest, however, that she decides to hunt down the madman. Her dangerous expedition takes her from creepy Eastern State Penitentiary to Rittenhouse Square where she runs into a gang of feral cats intent on stopping her. But new problems arise faster than she can solve them.
As the mystery pulls Cattarina deeper into trouble, even Eddie becomes the target of suspicion. Yet she cannot give up the chase. Both her reputation as a huntress and her friend's happiness are at stake. For if she succeeds in catching the Glass Eye Killer, the missing pieces of Eddie's unfinished story will fall into place, and the Poe household will once again experience peace. At the story's pulse-pounding conclusion, Poe gets the inspiration he needs from his feline muse, enough to finish The Tell-Tale Heart.
Monica Shaughnessy, a fan of Poe's work (and cats!), conducted a ton of research into the life and times of Poe and Catterina to add historical accuracy, even though the book is told through the eyes of a cat! Readers who enjoy Poe, mysteries, and cat cozies are bound to love this book.
In the book, Catterina brings home a glass eye. What is the strangest item your pet has ever brought home?
The winner will be chosen by the following highly scientific method.
Monica will print out all the comments and toss them into a hat. She will then pick one at random as the winner. The contest will be open until midnight Eastern Time on April 20, 2014. So make sure you comment before then to be included in the draw. Please make sure you include an email address when you post your comment so Monica can email you the book. Email addresses will NOT be made public. Contest is open to readers within and outside the United States.