When I asked Henry about his writing process and the book (particularly how novel writing compares to working in film which he also does!), here's what he had to say ...
JL: Thank you so much for the opportunity to read HIDING which I thoroughly enjoyed. Without giving too much away, what gave you the idea for this book?
HT: Hiding in the basement of the house I grew up in – hearing people come down to do laundry or something and knowing they didn’t know I could hear and see them. That, combined with what I learned about the tragic life outcomes of certain kids I went to school with, who when I knew them as teens seemed to have everything.
JL: The bulk of the story – almost all of it – is really a monologue from the main character directed to the reader. It’s pretty much all internal thought directed at a fictional “you” (the reader), other than glimpses into past scenes the protagonist shares with us. What were the main challenges of writing in this way? What are some of the benefits of this form of storytelling?
HT: When you are in a mind you can go anywhere. Anywhere memory goes. Scene changes can be instantaneous, rapid as a flipbook, and remain coherent. And his thoughts directed to the reader could potentially become the reader’s thoughts. A present moment is consistently maintained, interpolated with memories and ideas. There is a planned interplay of thought and action; a balance. As he advances through the house, his thoughts advance, develop and change, until the truth comes out.
JL: The jacket flap describes this book as having a “slow burn of tension” building to a “sudden shock that changes everything” which, I think, is a very apt description of the story. I’ve always found as a reader and a writer in the YA space that it’s very difficult to start with a “slow burn” because much of the collected wisdom about younger readers is that they want action from the first page. Do you think this is true? How do you go about engaging your readers from page one with a “slow burn” as opposed to a big bang?
HT: I feel they will be engaged reading about a teen who is much like themselves. A real teen dealing with his life, the empty time on his hands, his real life problems, his struggle to maintain a positive image of himself in a neighborhood that does not recognize or value him. The whole point is that he has the strength to maintain a positive self-image despite how he perceives he is treated by others. The story describes his many ways of maintaining that private sense of personal value – all of which he calls hiding. This story describes his real life without using melodramatic techniques to drive the action.
JL: You’ve worked in both film and fiction writing. What are the main differences for you as a storyteller between these two forms?
HT: In film you can’t show thought. You can imply thought – but unless you have a narration, the thought remains non-specific and could be misinterpreted. Only through showing the spatial relationships of a character to other characters or environment can you project ideas about inner feelings, and you always have to rely on facial expressions – everything is outer; physical. Otherwise, the character has to literally say what she or he feels. In a book, thought takes over. Action has different emphasis – it relates back to feelings. Books describe inner life and the relationship of events to inner life; films depict outer life and the relationship of events to outer life. I can describe a car accident in a story. I can even use sentence fragments to convey the push and pull and jump and skip of what happens, pulling the mind across the page. But it’s not at all like a film of two cars ramming head on and exploding in flame. The written description we think about and construct mentally; the film we simply experience. Words engage; images stun.
JL: As a storyteller (either in film or fiction) do you find that you’re more of a planner/outliner, or do you start with a character and let him or her take you where they want to go? How did you approach the creation of your protagonist in HIDING?
HT: Character dictates everything, generates everything. It’s often hard to remember this at the start, when a scene or set piece grabs the imagination. Ultimately, every scene must grow the character.
Thanks so much for your time and your thoughts, Henry! And thanks for sharing HIDING with us.