Kagawa has been keeping a lot of balls up in the air, not only with her various writing projects but with the cast of characters in her Immortal Rules trilogy. Allison Sekemoto has her hands full dealing with her weirdly dysfunctional new vampire family, mourning her lost love, and trying to save the world from Sarren. However, Allison's journey is not the only one this book follows, even though she is the viewpoint character.
Kagawa nimbly shows us, through Allison's eyes, how all her characters - primary and secondary - make it through their larger story arcs, confronting their internal and external demons, and coming to resolution of their respective narratives. So, even though not everyone gets a "happy ending", pretty much everyone gets a "satisfying ending".
While I had some issues about the second book being heavy on creeping around in dank tunnels, I found this final installment had a lot more action and character/plot development. I have a feeling it's a little shorter than the second book as well but I could be wrong about that. Even though the world is a pretty hopeless dystopian place in this series, Kagawa leaves us with the feeling that there is hope for a brighter future. I don't want to say too much more for fear of giving away spoilers. And if you were a tad disappointed in the second book, I think you'll be much more pleased with the final installment.