My friend and critique partner Monica Shaughnessy has recently published the second in her cat cozy series based on the idea that Edgar Allan Poe may actually have been inspired to write some of his most famous works as a result of the adventures of his cat, Cattarina. Like the first book in the series (The Tell-Tail Heart), The Black Cats is impeccably researched and told in the first person point of view from Cattarina's perspective.
Unlike the first book, however, this one is more thoroughly cat-focused, the murder victim actually being a cat. Cattarina is in good kitty voice throughout as she inspects the clues and gets herself into many scrapes and a dash of feline romance.
The human characters are also beautifully told through the cat's eyes so to speak, and they are sometimes helpful and sometimes a terrible hindrance to Cattarina's investigations.
To this reader's eye, the human characters are actually a little more well-rounded in this second installment, or at least more sympathetic to what the cats are going through. All in all this is a delightfully fun read and a wonderful complement to the first book, with a third installment in the works for later this year.
Keep the cat cozies coming!
Here's a special offer from the author ...
Author Monica Shaughnessy has just released an illustrated companion for The Black Cats, Mr. Eakins' Book of Cats, the journal that plays a pivotal role in the novel.
Between now and March 16th, Monica will be giving away free e-copies of Mr. Eakins’ Book of Cats to anyone who purchases The Black Cats and leaves an honest review. Just buy her novella, review it on Amazon (and anywhere else you like), and email her at [email protected] to receive your free illustrated companion.