I have literally just finished the third in Marie Lu's Legend trilogy, Champion. And I've realized that I'm reading a lot of "last books in a series" lately. Other than mixed feelings about the final book in Veronica Roth's Divergent series, I can't say I've been disappointed by any of the rash of final books I've read in the last month or so. And Champion is no exception. Lu brings June and Day's story full circle and brings at least some resolution to the political struggles between the Colonies and the Republic in this largely satisfying conclusion to the series.
This book didn't have the high levels of raw emotional power as the previous two in the series, but I think that's because June and Day (still alternate narrators) spend much of this story apart. I found in the earlier books that a lot of the power in the narrative came from the relationship between the two characters when they're together on the page. There's also a lot of fight/action scenes in this book that perhaps could have been a little shorter.
But those are very nitpicky points. The level of Lu's writing is as strong as always and she moves the story forward at a rapid pace. Day's brother, Eden, plays a larger role in this book and it's nice to get him some more page-time because the concept of saving him has been such a strong focus in the series. It's nice to see Eden grow and come into his own as a character here.
Lu also makes life a lot more difficult for Day as his health is failing and it's a race against time to save him. He's also struggling to reconcile his feelings for June and to make sure his brother has some semblance of a future. He's not as cocky and sure of himself as he's been in previous books and this adds a nice new dimension to him. June is as strong and determined as always and, toward the end of the book, she has to make a very difficult decision which she does with heartbreaking grace and wisdom.
Brava to Lu for bringing this trilogy home in a way that should satisfy all of her fans. We'll be looking out with great anticipation for whatever she writes next.